“Zen-sational Living” Reviews

This book was recommended by several different sources, online and by my mentor; I decided to look, even though I was feeling skeptical. It has been well worth the read and I know I will keep dipping into it in the future. The advice is indeed aiming towards a simpler life route and not overly complex. A good read, sage advice and worth a re-read too.   Zen-Sational Living: A Simple Guide to Finding Your True Self and Maintaining Balance.
Reviewed by A Goodliffe, NZ

Zen-Sational Living A Simple Guide To Finding Your True Self and Maintain balance is a delicious book that feeds the soul with tidbits of advice. Perfect book to begin or end your day with.  Reviewed by Carol Lawrence


“ZEN-SATIONAL LIVING is a beautiful guide for the soul.  Sheila Burke’s wise words lead the reader down a path of self discovery.   Her beautiful photography and quotes are a great addition to each chapter.   If you are seeking inspiration and are looking to change your life, I highly recommend ZEN-SATIONAL LIVING.”
~Betsy McKee Henry, preschool teacher and author of HOW TO BE A ZEN MAMA.

For a person who is a self proclaimed ‘worrier’ and often sees the glass 1/2 empty, this book was an eye opener and has made me stop and take a few steps back to re-examine my life and my personal insight. A full-time working mom with two kids under 5yrs, a husband and elderly father living in the household, things can get a bit crazy, however, after reading this book, I feel that in order to get everything out of life, I need to take some time for “ME” and also create “POSITIVE” energy for myself and family. “Positive = Positive” and I truly feel that this is true. Thank you Sheila Burke for this inspiring book! I know what my close friends and family are getting for Christmas!!
~ Laura Unger, Ohio

Zen-Sational Living: A Simple Guide to Finding Your True Self and Maintaining Balance ~
This book lives up to it’s name; Sheila Burke’s tips are well stated, cleverly written, and enjoyable to read for all, from the most avid self-help aficionados to brand new seekers of enlightenment.
Like her blog entries ~ “Ma Vie Folle” ~ and being selected as “Gotta Love Chevy Northeast Ohio” Blogger, Burke tosses herself full steam ahead into informing and enlightening through witty writing.  For those that love books that they can’t put down from page One to “The End” I recommend this book. Five GIANT stars!!!
~D. Algeri, Ohio

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