“Chorus of Souls” Reviews

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“Chorus of Souls offers sage advice from an inspired and compassionate teacher! Author Sheila Burke, shares her understanding of soul consciousness, synchronicity, and probes one of the most potent questions mankind can ask – what is the purpose of my life? Graciously written, Chorus of Souls leads us on a journey to better understanding the relationship between our soulful selves and the purposeful human beings we were born to be – a journey not to be missed!”
Heather McCloskey Beck, author of Take the Leap


“When a truth comes to you, no matter what form, you feel a vibration start from deep within. This vibration gets stronger and stronger the more you delve into this truth, until it breaks free causing a light to shine forth from your eyes, your hands tingle at its power and you feel the shift within. You embrace this truth, you make it a part of your soul. Then you bring it out into the world with you. This is the amazing feeling I had from page one of Chorus of Souls. A truth which resonated to my very core. A book that made my soul sigh in contentment. I shall never be the same.”
J.V. Manning, author of Random Thoughts n Lotsa Coffee


“Life is a journey, and Sheila Burke explains how to make the most of that journey from the inside out. Perceptive and practical, “Chorus of Souls” is a marvelous work packed with thoughtful insights and life-changing wisdom we can all use for cultivating a healthy spirit!”
Patricia Saxton, author and illustrator of 52 Weeks of Peace, A Book of Fairies, and The Book of Mermaids


“If you’re looking to create a more meaningful life, you’ll want to add Chorus of Souls by Sheila Burke to your library. There are many books out there that tell us about the importance of living in the moment. But what is special about this book is that Sheila gives us the how. It’s a step by step guide to lead you to fulfillment with practical suggestions and techniques – and she does it all with her typical wisdom and wit!”
Eleanor Brownn, author of Mile 9 


“Chorus of Souls is a down-to-earth celebration of our spiritual being-ness.  Sheila takes the esoteric topic of understanding ourselves as souls and creates a practical and easy to use handbook of living life in alignment with this greater aspect of ourselves.  I applaud this book and highly recommend singing the song of your soul.”
Sue Krebs, author, Akashic Reader, and creator of the 1.6 million fan Facebook community Soul Speaking.